National, Labour; 100,000 Kiwi’s are calling you boring online.

New Zealand is bored of the establishment parties. Sentiment online towards National and Labour has been pretty much the mirrored this last month. National, only slightly pulling it up.

Not a bad effort by
New Zealand National Party, but it looks like people are getting bored. At least the 100,000 online mentions/ comments/ messages about you over the last month.

Special mention needs to go to
New Zealand First they captivated the nation, at least for a while. Looks like sentiment is taking a serious dive 😬

We are now doing some super interesting research on the impact that uneven reporting is having on the rhetoric surrounding our election. News media bias is being compared and measured for the last 3 elections. Some super interesting results coming to our blog early next week!

Want to see for yourself - check out our dashboard below. More data is to be added soon!


Social Media is showing us just how biased the news is.


Why We Can’t Do Business in a Vacuum.